วันพุธที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Shopping for Thai Ingredients

From Darlene Schmidt,Your Guide to Thai Food.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!
Thai Shopping
Shopping for Thai Ingredients at An Asian Market
While you might be lucky enough to live near a Thai food store, for most of us shopping for Thai ingredients means visiting our local Asian market or grocery store. Follow this virtual tour and gain some valuable tips to help you find everything you’ll need to cook authentic Thai food.
The Fresh Produce Section
Here you can find the vegetables called for in your recipe. As the names of items will probably be written in Chinese, you will need to have a mental picture of what you’re looking for (see our Glossary). Fresh fruit can also be found in this section, including limes, mangos, pineapple, papaya - both ripe and green, and various other exotic fruits
